Monday, April 11, 2011

Feeling Stupid....

      Today I had my phone consultation with CNY Fertility Clinic.  I made this appointment before I even scheduled our IVF consult with our current clinic because we were thinking about traveling to New York because even with considering the cost of traveling it was going to be cheaper than doing the IVF here is WV.  CNY does a crap ton more IVFs than WVU CRM.  WVU CRM does about 45 while CNY does well over 300.  I was all set to do my IVF with CNY until the 2009 data came out.  CNY had success rates somewhere in the 30% while WVU CRM was up in the 40%.  After many long discussions with my husband we decided to keep the consultation phone appointment with CNY but to go ahead and pursue our first IVF with WVU CRM.  Unfortunately with either place the likelihood of us being able to afford IVF again is going to be slim to none.
      Now on for why I am feeling stupid....  WVU CRM is doing a long lupron protocol, well today while on the phone with CNY, Dr. Massey said that if they were doing the IVF that they would be doing the estrogen priming protocol.  He also said the fact that I only had for mature eggs when doing my follistim injectable iui worried him about the number of eggs that I would be able to produce during an IVF cycle.  This all just worries me and I wanted to try and be as worry free as I could for this cycle.
      Now for an update on this cycle.  Today was my seventh lupron shot.  Yesterday when Lenny was giving my my lupron shot he hit a vein and now I have a huge nasty purple and red bruise.  It is my first injury from injectables.  I am not sure if I should expect my period when it would typically arrive or if it will be delayed.  I really hope that it starts on time if not before so that I will not have to change my weekend plans.
     Please keep us in your prayers as we continue this process.


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