Thursday, April 28, 2011

Final Check-up

My socks from today's appointment.  I have loved being able to wear fun socks to my appointments

I had my final follie check-up.  It looks like we will be doing the IVF.  I am trying to be hopeful.  I have 4 follies on the right- 13.3, 8, 18.6, and 14 and 3 on the left- 20.6, 18.6, and 19.3.  I am hoping that the 14 and/or the 13.3 will make it to maturity by Saturday morning at 7am.  I would love to have at least 6 mature eggs to try and get to transfer.  My lining is great at 9.2.  Tonight I will be triggering at 9:30.  Let the massive prayers begin.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

So Confused

 My socks from today's appointment!!!

I had another follie check today.  It looks like there might be 4 mature eggs.  I have 3 at 17 and 1 at 15.6 and then a couple smaller ones.  I am just not sure if I should continue with this IVF or look into switching to an IUI.  We are all OOP so this is costing us an arm and leg.  I am just so torn.  I know with my blood work results that we probably never will get a better response. I just wanted this to work so bad.  I am not sure what will happen if this is a bust.  We are putting so much time, money, and energy into this I just do not know how I will recover if it is not successful.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Second Follie Appointment

Awesome socks for this appointment!!

This morning I had my second follie check-up.  It went a little better than the first, but still not as great as I had hoped.  The IVF has still not been cancelled, but is not completely on either.  I had 10.3, 15.3, 5, and 9.3 on my right and 18.3, 15, 12.6 on my right.  My lining was 8.1.  I am continuing at the same medicine amounts today and tomorrow and then it is back for another check on Wednesday morning.  I am hoping that at least the six larger ones will be mature and they will be able to retrieve/fertilize them.  It is just something that at 28 I should not have to be dealing with all of this.  I am hoping that they call this afternoon with the results from my blood work.  Hopefully that will at least be good.


I had an awesome Easter yesterday.  We went to Sunrise Service and then had breakfast at church.  We came back home and get ready for church.  After church my mom came over and we make Easter Lunch for my family.  It was so much fun having my family over.  I loved being able to see my Grandmother.  We had 9 people over for lunch.  I wish that the other people that we had invited had been able to make it, but they had other family engagements.  I wish that I had taken pictures, because it was such a great time. 

This morning I have my second monitoring appointment.  I am hoping for better results than we saw at the last appointment.  I just really want this to work out.  It is so hard to keep going to my appointments trying to be positive going to these appointments when all I get is bad news.  I just really need something positive to happen soon.

My awesome socks for todays appointment....
They are Easter Chicks!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

My World seems to be Caving in....

Yesterday morning I had my first follie check...but when I woke up at 4:30 to get ready to head to my appointment I noticed some missed calls and text messages.  I started looking into why I had so many messages.  I called my mom to see if she had heard anything...she had not.  I decided before leaving for Morgantown to check facebook.  From this I discovered that one of my 4-H Interstate Exchange participants from the last two year was killed in a car accident.  I was devastated.

I had my RE appointment….I only have 5 follicles that the RE measured.  He did not mention any others.  They upped my dosage to 150 follistim and 75 menopur twice a day.  This will cause me to use up all the menopur by Sunday which is when I will be switching to luveris 75 plus follistim 225.  This will get me to Wednesday morning.  My next RE appointment is Monday morning at 9:45 (I hate the fact that I have to wait that long to see if anything else is happening possibly wasting drugs, if my cycle is cancelled.)  I am so upset that my cycle might be cancelled.  It is just so much money, time, and energy going to waste.

Last evening the 4-H Interstate Exchange group served the HREA Annual Meeting dinner.  I love catering and spending time with my 4-H’ers especially since we were all suffering from the loss of Alison.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lucky Socks Exchange

I got my package yesterday when I went home for lunch....I was having an awful day and it make it so much better.  I was so touched with how thoughtful that my Secret Bumpie was.  Nola8446 got me and I love everything that I received!!!!  I cannot wait to wear some of my new socks to my monitoring appointment on Thursday morning.

Monday, April 18, 2011

First Monitoring Appointment


Today was my first monitoring appointment at 8:30am.  The ultrasound was the quickest ultrasound that I have ever had.  It was in and out, I wasn't even real sure why I had to take my pants off for it.  The ultrasound showed that I have antral follicles in both ovaries.  I was excited to hear this because I was worried that there would not many follicles.  The lining of my uterus looked good and was thinning just like what he wanted to see.

Now, for the bad part of my day....The IVF procedure was supposed to cost $9,000.....Well, when we went to pay it ended up being more like $10,600...Gotta love when this costs more than you were expecting.  Then I call the bank...the appraisal came back quite a bit less than what we were expecting it to come back at.  Now I really wish that we would not have spent as much money renovating the property than we did.  It should help us sale quicker, but definitely won't be making us any more money.  Finally, it seems that I got the Lupron head is in so much pain that I can barely function.  I sure hope that this does not continue to last because I cannot function at work like this.  I do not understand why every step of this process seems so debilitating.  If it is not one thing, it is another....I just hope that it is all over soon.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Let's Get This Party Started

Well, AF was so kind to show-up three days late.  I am hoping that the extra days of lupron will not mess anything up.  I am excited for my first monitoring appointment in the morning.  I hope that everything is looking good and we can start stimming.  I am still so nervous, but so hopeful that this will be it for us. 

We had a great weekend this weekend even with huge plan changes.  This Saturday I was supposed to be heading over the mountain to Pocahontas County for a Farm Tour and Lenny was supposed to play in the Opening Weekend golf tournament at the Bridgeport County club, but the storms that were heading through our area put a stop to that.  So, Saturday morning I went with my mom to the Spring District Meeting for the United Methodist Women in Weston and then came home and Lenny and I headed up to the Outlets in Washington, PA.  After the Outlets we met one of our friends for dinner at Red Robin.  It was so much fun to catch up with Mike because we had not seen him since right before or after Christmas.  It has been so long that I cannot even remember which that it was.  Today Lenny played in the golf tournament coming in 8th place and I went to church and then made meatballs with the 4-H Interstate Exchange club.  I love weekends where we have so much fun, but I have a ton of cleaning that needs to be done in the house.  Hopefully I will get motivated soon since we have a bunch of people coming over for Easter Lunch on Sunday.

Friday, April 15, 2011

So touched

Today I received some of the medicine that is being donated to me.  I have one more package to receive tomorrow.  Everyday I am amazed with the kindness and generosity that I have been shown throughout this entire process.  It made me cry today when I opened the door and saw my package waiting for me.  The people that I have met through the bump and going through infertility have been amazing women.  Going through this has sucked more than anyone can imagine who has never had to deal with it, but going through it with these ladies some who have suffered so much more than I have has given me strenth and hope to be able to make it through the rough days.  I am so hopeful for this cycle, but I know that no matter what they will be there with support and hugs.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Feeling Stupid....

      Today I had my phone consultation with CNY Fertility Clinic.  I made this appointment before I even scheduled our IVF consult with our current clinic because we were thinking about traveling to New York because even with considering the cost of traveling it was going to be cheaper than doing the IVF here is WV.  CNY does a crap ton more IVFs than WVU CRM.  WVU CRM does about 45 while CNY does well over 300.  I was all set to do my IVF with CNY until the 2009 data came out.  CNY had success rates somewhere in the 30% while WVU CRM was up in the 40%.  After many long discussions with my husband we decided to keep the consultation phone appointment with CNY but to go ahead and pursue our first IVF with WVU CRM.  Unfortunately with either place the likelihood of us being able to afford IVF again is going to be slim to none.
      Now on for why I am feeling stupid....  WVU CRM is doing a long lupron protocol, well today while on the phone with CNY, Dr. Massey said that if they were doing the IVF that they would be doing the estrogen priming protocol.  He also said the fact that I only had for mature eggs when doing my follistim injectable iui worried him about the number of eggs that I would be able to produce during an IVF cycle.  This all just worries me and I wanted to try and be as worry free as I could for this cycle.
      Now for an update on this cycle.  Today was my seventh lupron shot.  Yesterday when Lenny was giving my my lupron shot he hit a vein and now I have a huge nasty purple and red bruise.  It is my first injury from injectables.  I am not sure if I should expect my period when it would typically arrive or if it will be delayed.  I really hope that it starts on time if not before so that I will not have to change my weekend plans.
     Please keep us in your prayers as we continue this process.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Drugs, Drugs, Drugs Everywhere

I have received just about all of my medications that I will need for my cycle.  I have 2 more Follistim 600 in the mail.  Since I am on day two of Lupron injections I figured that now was as good of a time as any to take a picture of all of these drugs.  I hope that this is one of the only times in my life that I will ever need this many different medicines.  The one good thing that is happening is my toe is healing up quite nicely.  It is still really painful,  but I was able to walk a mile and half with evening with my sister in law.  I hope that we will be able to walk at least this much tomorrow.  It feels so good to get outside and be active.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

And the Party Begins

Tonight I will begin my Lupron shots.  I am so nervous.  I hope that this is successful, we can only really afford to give this one try.  I am also worried that the Lupron will shut down my ovaries and they will not wake back up.  There are just so many things that could go wrong.  I am praying that everything will go smoothly and we will have a bunch of beautiful mature follies that will all get fertilized and become beautiful embies.  Please be praying for Lenny and I as we start this process.