Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcome to My Blog

I have decided to write a blog about Lenny and my struggle to become parents.  We started trying in September 2009 and found out that we were pregnant in November.  We were over the moon.  I never thought that it would happen so quickly.  We went to our first appointment at the beginning of December and were able to see the heartbeat.  We ordered engraved Christmas Ornaments and planned a dinner to share the news with our families.  We had another appointment on December 31st.  At this appointment the doctor could not find the heartbeat with the Doppler so he suggested an Ultrasound.  The ultrasound showed no heartbeat either.  We were crushed.  The next week the miscarriage took place.  I never knew how attached that you could get to someone that you never met.  We were told by our OB that we should wait for 3 cycles.  We waited the three cycles and I started charting.  During this time I noticed that I had quite a bit of midcycle spotting.  I saw an OB about this and they did an ultrasound to check and make sure that I had passed everything.  Everything checked out.  I was still having spotting so I met with another OB and we did blood tests which came back good.  After trying for a year I asked for a referral to an RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist).  We had our first appointment with the RE on November 9th.  At this appointment we discussed our history and everything that we had went though in the last year.  The RE suggested that I might have low ovarian reserve.  They also did a semen analysis (SA) on Lenny.  His SA came back with above average volume, but below average morphology and motility.  I had a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) and that came back that my tubes were open.  The RE suggested that we try an IUI.  I took Femara from CD 3-7 and then did an Ovidrel injection to cause me to ovulate.  We did the IUI on December 17th.  On Monday after the IUI I started progesterone.  I started my period on January 4th.  We were deviasted again.  We were so hopeful that this would work for us....... 


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