Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1/12/2010- Follow-up Appointment

What a weekend I have had.  I traveled to Atlanta, GA this weekend for the National Farm Bureau Convention.  It was a great Convention where I was exposed to so many different opportunities that I would have never been exposed to without this experience.  It also gave me some time to think about farming and not so much about fertility.  On Sunday night Atlanta was hit with a huge snow/ice storm.  The way that they were speaking I think that it was a historical amount.  This made the trip back home very difficult.  I was on the road for over 15 hours yesterday.  I was never so happy to walk into my house as I was last night at midnight.  There were several times during the trip that I was not sure that I was going to make it.  The ice skating rink that we drove on in Atlanta and then the whiteout conditions once we made it back to West Virginia.

This morning at 6:30 we headed up to Morgantown to my follow-up appointment.  I had an ultrasound this morning and I have two mature follicles one on my right and one on my left.  They did an ovulation predictor test and it was very faint so I was prescribed an ovidrel shot for this morning and then we will head back up to Morgantown tomorrow morning for the IUI.  Unfortunately they did not have the test results back for the labs that were run.  Things have been delayed since these were sent out tests by the weather.  Hopefully they will have the results back by early next week.

After the appointment with the doctor we met with the IVF coordinator to discuss our future if IVF become necessary.  I knew that IVF was expensive, but it just really hits you in the face when they give you this information.  Unfortunately my RE does not offer any financing.  I guess that there were several companies before the economy crashed that offered this type service, but their company got out of those loans since the crash.  Therefore, we have a lot of money to come up with to cover the procedures and medicines.  It is overwhelming to think about how we are going to come up with this money.  This whole process is so overwhelming when we have drug addicts having babies all the time....Why does it just seem to not work for me?  I am really hoping for a successful IUI and then we will not have to worry about the IVF.

Now it is just a waiting game.....


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