Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I am so excited.  This year we are going to be hosting Easter Lunner (meal between Lunch and Dinner) at our house.  I found the cutest invitations.  I fixed them all up this evening since I was in pain and wanting to stay off of my foot.  I cannot wait to mail them tomorrow.  I hope that my family thinks that they are are cute as I do.

Toe Surgery

I had surgery on my toe this morning.  I am lucky enough to have circular bones in my big toes which causes my toe nails to grow into the sides of my toe.  I had surgery on my left big toe at the end of November, well today it was time to have my right toe done.  I remembered being in pain after the first surgery, but I did not remember it being as bad as it is this time.  My whole foot is throbbing.  I just hope that tomorrow is better than today.  If it is not, it is going to be a long day.  I took some pictures before and after, I wish that I could have taken some during, but figured that would gross people out.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Issues with my Body

My Body seems to hate me.  I have a swollen salvatory glad and swollen lymph nodes around it.  They are killing me!!!!  My neck is all swollen and tight.  I just cannot seem to catch a break.  If it is not my reproductive system it is something else.  I am just so ready to be healthy, but I know that will not be happening anytime soon.  Next week I will be having surgery on my big toe.  It has a rounded bone which makes my toe nail grow rounded so they are going in to take off the sides of my toe nail.  It puts me in a lot of pain, but once it is healed my toe will feel so much better.  The bad part is the last time it took about 6 weeks to heal.


I went in on Tuesday morning to get my blood drawn.  I waited an hour before getting called back for the blood draw.  I get back and give them my orders and I am informed that they cannot draw my blood because they do not have my consent for the HIV test.  The doctor's office wanted to keep the consent form and had the fact that they had the consent on file on the order form.  The phlebotomist refused to draw my blood without the consent form, even though they had drawn Lenny's blood the day before without the consent form.  I was so upset about all the time that I had wasted that I could have saved if they would have not drawn Lenny's blood or the doctor's office had made sure that I would not need the from when going to have my blood tested.  I ended up having to call my doctor's office and the laboratory director to get this all straighten out.  My doctor's office ended up faxing the forms and when I went back to the hospital I was in and out in 15 minutes.  The end was good, but the beginning and middle were so stressful.

IVF Preparations

I went in on Monday morning for an ultrasound to make sure that I did not have any cysts.  There are no cysts and I picked up our IVF packet.  It had all the consent forms and lab orders.  This is all becoming so real, I cannot believe that it is happening so soon. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

IVF Here We Come

I had an appointment with my RE this morning.  The 30 minute appointment that I thought that we would have turned into about a 2 hour appointment.  There was so much information to discuss and digest.  We had two basic possibilities for protocols either the Long or the Short.  With the long you take Leuprolide 14 day kit.  I will start taking this on day 21 of my cycle, then hopefully I will get another period and after this I will start stimulation injections.  Hopefully we will get lots of mature follicles for the Egg Removal and they will get fertilized and then be transferred.  This whole process is just so depressing and hard to understand why this is all having to happen.  I know that there are a lot of people who have been though much worse, but it was just supposed to be easy and this process has been anything he easy.  Most days it is just depressing more than anything else....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Olivia was my piglet that I had for a day and a half.  My Dad raises pigs and she was born to one of his sows.  She was the smallest piglet that my dad had seen.  I do not thin that she weighed anywhere close to even a pound.  She was such a good little pig and I was really hopeful that she would make it.  Unfortunately she passed way when was was 3.5 days old.  I had never really gotten attached to a pig before.  Growing up on a farm I always knew that they were food.  I think that the events that have transpired this year have changed me.  I think that I really just wanted to have something to take care of and raise.  I balled my eyes out when I found her,  I also had cried the night before when I thought that she might have been getting sick.  Everything about infertility is just so sad....I spend most days being sad, depressed, jealous, and mad.  It is just an awful thing to have to deal with.