Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Follie Check

I had my final follie check before my IUI on Wednesday.  I had 2 large follicles in my right ovary measuring 17.5 and 18 and then 2 on my left measuring 17.5 and 15.  The RE said that it looks like I could have 4 eggs released and kept asking if I really wanted to proceed with the IUI.  I said of course we wanted to proceed.  For each of my other IUIs I have had two dominant follicles and both of them ended in BFFN.  Therefore, I am hoping with the possibility of adding two more eggs into the mix that we will be able to get our BFP.  I took the HCG shot last night.  This time it was a different shot from the Ovidrel that we had done the last two cycles.  This shot had a powder and liquid that had to be mixed.  I made this Lenny’s responsibility.  He got my shot all mixed up and then I injected myself.  This cycle I gave myself all of the injections.  I am so proud of myself for being able to do this.  I never thought that I would be able to give myself an injection.  I am also so over shots and being poked and prodded.  I know that it will only get worse if we have to move on to IVF. 

I am really hopeful for this cycle to be a success.  It seems like everything is lining up.  If we were able to conceive it looks like my EDD would be my birthday.  Could anyone ask for a better birthday present?


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