Wednesday, February 23, 2011

IUI #3 Bust

Well, my period arrived today even while I was on progesterone suppositories.  This was the biggest let down because I had 3 to 4 mature eggs and Lenny had an amazing sperm sample.  It looks like I will not be going on my trip to Europe because who knows where we will be with treatments.  Not only that, but IVF costs so much money.  It is going to take all our extra money to be able to afford this.  This is just all so depressing.  I have no clue why people should have to go through this.  It is just so debilitating.  Most health problems that people face are covered by insurance.  You get cancer; health insurance will help you pay for treatments.  You cannot have a baby, it is considered elective and you get to pay for the whole thing yourself.  So, basically when it comes to my health insurance getting plastic surgery is the same as need an IUI or IVF in order to add to our family.  Some days I wish that more people in our legislature (both state and federal) had someone close to them who had experienced problems.  I feel that if this was the case that people who need these procedures would be able to have insurance to cover it.
It looks like we will be on at least one to two break cycles.  I have a call into my current RE’s office to try and see what our next step would be.  I have also called a Fertility Clinic in New York and have a phone consultation for April 11th.  We are also on a cancellation list.  I am really hoping that someone cancels soon so that we can get our consultation done can come up with our next plan of action.  I am just a planner I hate not knowing what my next step will be.
The one good thing is that our basement project is moving along quite nicely.  I am so proud of everything that Lenny has been able to do.  He is a pretty amazing guy, he can accomplish just about anything that he sets his mind to.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lenny's Surgery

Lenny went in this afternoon for Deviated Septum surgery.  He has had issues being able to breathe out of his nose and also with his ears being able to pop when going over the mountains.  This is a pretty big deal since we live here in the Mountain State.  The doctors were running a little over an hour behind schedule.  They finally came and took him to surgery at 2:45.  He was in surgery for about an hour which is how long that the nurses said that it would take.  Dr. Merenda came over and spoke with me after the surgery.  He said that everything had went exactly as planned and that all of Lenny's breathing issues should be fixed once the stints and packing has been removed and everything healed.  He said that Lenny should be back over to recovery soon.  Well, soon turned into 2 hours.  I finally went to ask the nurses if he had been brought over at an hour and half, they went to check and he still wasn't over there.  I waited 15 minutes and asked if they could locate him.  They found him in the first recovery.  He was very sick and in a lot of pain.  They finally brought him over.  He was still extremely sick.  The nurse gave him some more nausea medication.  This helped some, but once he wasn't as nauseous he was in a lot more pain so then they had to give him some more pain medicine.  Finally at 7:30 they decided that they were going to admit him for the night, they had to find him a bed in observation.  They finally got him settled into his room at 9:45.  I left to head home to let Paisley and Ally out since they had been caged up since 10:30 in the morning.  I played with the dogs until 11:00 and then headed back to spend the nigh with Lenny at the hospital.  It was a rough night because the chair that they had for me to sleep in was so uncomfortable and Lenny kept waking up in pain.  We finally made it through the night.  His doctor was in surgery all day so the nurse came in and asked Lenny some questions to get him discharged. 

I got him all cuddled into his recliner and he has been there since we got home.  Hopefully his pain will begin to subside soon.   He has his follow-up visit on Wednesday to get his stints and packing removed.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rock Star Sperm

We did our 3rd and more than likely final IUI before moving onto IVF this morning.  We had to be up in Morgantown at 7:00 for Lenny to give his sample and then had the IUI scheduled for 8:30.  So, we got to Morgantown and Lenny gave his sample and then we went to drop of my prescription and get breakfast at Panera.  It has been forever since I have been to Panera for breakfast.  We went back to do the procedure.  Lenny's washed sperm was rated a 4 this is the best rating that you can get.  Each IUI his sperm has continued to get better, the first was a 3 with the second coming in at 3.5.  This cycle I should have 3 to 4 eggs and with Lenny's Rock Star sperm hopefully it will equal a BFP!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Follie Check

I had my final follie check before my IUI on Wednesday.  I had 2 large follicles in my right ovary measuring 17.5 and 18 and then 2 on my left measuring 17.5 and 15.  The RE said that it looks like I could have 4 eggs released and kept asking if I really wanted to proceed with the IUI.  I said of course we wanted to proceed.  For each of my other IUIs I have had two dominant follicles and both of them ended in BFFN.  Therefore, I am hoping with the possibility of adding two more eggs into the mix that we will be able to get our BFP.  I took the HCG shot last night.  This time it was a different shot from the Ovidrel that we had done the last two cycles.  This shot had a powder and liquid that had to be mixed.  I made this Lenny’s responsibility.  He got my shot all mixed up and then I injected myself.  This cycle I gave myself all of the injections.  I am so proud of myself for being able to do this.  I never thought that I would be able to give myself an injection.  I am also so over shots and being poked and prodded.  I know that it will only get worse if we have to move on to IVF. 

I am really hopeful for this cycle to be a success.  It seems like everything is lining up.  If we were able to conceive it looks like my EDD would be my birthday.  Could anyone ask for a better birthday present?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Lenny!!!

Today is Lenny's 32 birthday.  He had to work the midnight shift this weekend so he did not have a very good birthday weekend.  He had to miss the follie check this morning because he was getting off from work after I had to leave to head up to my appointment.  I have 3 dominant follicles and 2 smaller follicles.  The dominant ones are measuring in at 15.5mm to 16.5mm and then the smaller ones were 12mm.  I am to lower the Follistim injections from 75iu to 25iu plus one click on the Follistim pen.  I have to go back in tomorrow and then hopefully we will be ready to do the IUI on Wednesday.  I just really hope that this cycle works!!!  Everything seems to be moving along the way that it is supposed to be moving.  My lining is building up and I have 3 good follies....Hopefully we will have a great February!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

RE Appointment

I had my RE appointment to check and see how everything was progressing.  I have 3 follicles on the right and 2 on the left.  They were between 10.5-12mm.  I had been on 150iu of Follistim, after this appointment the RE had my lower the dosage to 75iu.  I go back in on Sunday morning to check the progress.  Hopefully everything will be progressing nicely and we will be able to trigger and do the IUI one day next week.  I am so nervous about this cycle because we have more follies that we have had in the past and I am nervous that the RE will cancel this cycle.  I am also nervous that with all of these follies that I will be too hopefully for this cycle and that the let down will be worse than normal.  Please be praying for me to be able to get though this cycle and for everything to work out and this will be our successful cycle.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Well, I am no longer an injectable virgin.  I gave myself my first shot on Tuesday.  I must say I have no clue how drug addicts shoot up all the time.  That was one of the most nerve wracking things that I have had to do.  It wasn't as bad as I thought that it would be.  Lenny offered to give me the shot, but I figured since I travel a decent amount for work that I needed to go ahead and get over the fear of giving myself a shot.  I now have given myself 3 shots…